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Thursday, 8 December 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Pirate Ship
Pirate Ships
This term we have been learning about geometry. We have learnt all about nets of a 3D shapes. With all of our knowledge we got to choose if we wanted to make a treasure chests or pirate ships. Tanzee and I decided to work together to make a pirate ship. I found it tricky to put the shapes together. I found it easy to measure out the nets. Next time I would like to do something like this, but more challenging.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Term 4 Week 6 :)
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
We have been doing quite a lot these few weeks. I'm so exited to tell you about it.
This term we got a new student teacher! Her name was Miss Terry. She was here for five weeks. We had so much fun with her! We read a new book and we did Inquiry projects! She'll definitely make a good teacher.
This term we read a new book called Between Two Ends. It's about a boy called Yeats who gets sucked into a book called Arabian Nights at his grandma's house. It turns out that his fathers childhood friend has been stuck in the book for 20 years! Yeats has to save her and get back home. This is a really good book because it uses really good language and is really interesting.
This term for our inqt anbuiry we have been studying the idea of what if the world became uninhabitable? We looked at the things that humans need to survive. Water, Food, Shelter, Air and Warmth. We learnt about a place called biosphere 2. Biosphere 2 was made by scientists to see if the could replicate the earth. We got into groups and made a diorama. They turned out really well.
I had a really fun time doing all these things in room 20. I hope I can talk to you later! See ya!
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Term 3 Week 1 :)
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
New term! Hooray! Even though it's only been one week, I still have tons to tell you! :) This first week has been so fun!
Art: We've been doing some cool art this week! We're doing it for our calender's. It's called Dice Flowers. You have this chart that has lots of patterns, like half circles and spikes and stuff like that. You have to roll a dice and the number you got you have to look for it on the chart and then look at the pattern next to it. They are starting to look really good and soon we're going put dye on them.
Bike Skills: We are doing bike skills this term. We get to do mountain biking too! We get to ride over ramps and all of that cool stuff! I can't wait for our next lesson. We are also preparing for camp. We get to do mountain biking there too, so we get to practice now!
Cross Country: ...Yay...Cross Country...So Fun...Not... No offence but I'm not a cross country person. I just don't like running. I would run with my puppy, but not very fast! I'll just stick with gymnastics!
Those are 3 of the things I have done this week. Oh! And we are starting a new book called A Wrinkle In Time. But I'll tell you more next time, See Ya! :)
Friday, 14 October 2016
Slime Buddy
Slime Buddy
In room 20 we have been doing a sort of poem called a ballard. A ballard can also be turned into a song. A ballard consists of 4 lines in each stanza. A stanza is the word you use for a paragraph in a poem. A ballard has a special rhyming pattern. The rhyming pattern was ABCB. I found it easy to find a topic and write the stanzas. I found difficult to find the rhyming words. Next I would like to do another ballard with another topic.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
My Auckland Landscape Painting
My Reflection
I have been how to paint using different techniques. For the sunset we used red, orange and yellow paint. we did side to side strokes. We blended the colors to make a fading affect. For the ocean we used blue and white paint. We used a sponge to dab the paint everywhere. We used the white to add a foamy effect. We had a picture of a skyline on the t.v. We drew a practice in our art books. We then put it onto black paper, cut it out and then glued it onto the painted paper. After we decided to put some green and yellow grass in the front. I enjoyed doing this art and I would like to do it again. But maybe we could do animals...
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Speech Planning
This is my speech planning. We are learning to write a persuasive speech. We have learnt 6 different persuasive techniques. They are in the doc. I found it hard to find all the ideas for the intro, body, and conclusion. But I actually found that thinking of the intro ideas was actually easier! Next I would like to do a plan for an informative speech.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Mixed Numbers And Improper Fractions
We have been learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions. Me and my friend Charlotte decided to make a slideshow about it. I found converting a mixed number into in improper fraction easier than converting an improper fraction. I found everything tricky at first, but when I practised more, it got easier. I don't exactly know what I want to do next, but I know I do want to learn more.
Grid Value Portrait
Grid Value Portrait
We have been doing art called grid value portraits. Grid value portraits are portraits of us but in a grid. And in each grid box we looked at a picture of us and did light and dark, because we have been learning about light and dark patterns.
To make one we had to have an artist in focus. Our artist in focus is Chuck Close.
Then we did something called taking a line for a walk. This is when you draw a big squiggly line and inside of the gaps you do either patterns or color them in. We did light and dark patterns. We found out that the closer you put the patterns, the darker they are.
Next we did an activity called enlarging. Enlarging was this piece of paper that had a grid with a picture in it. Underneath the picture was a larger grid. In the larger grid you had to enlarge the picture from the smaller grid onto the bigger grid. It got harder and harder in each paper.
We then took pictures of ourselves and printed them out. We took a ruler and put grid line on top of the photo. We took big pieces of paper and then started doing patterns. We had made this window thing that you could put on top of the photo so that you only had to focus on that one box. We then took our already grid boxed big paper and did our patterns according to light and dark colors in the grid box of the picture.
Finally we all finished and are all very proud of what we had accomplished. I was very proud too. The trickiest part for me was to find enough patterns to fill the whole thing! My favourite part was how it all turned out! I actually thought it turned out better than I thought it would! This is my finished art...
Friday, 13 May 2016
Term 2 Week 2 :)
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
Hey! It's Me! I have decided to tell you more about my learning! It's a new term! So far it's been amazing, but it's only the beginning!
Inquiry: This year we are doing our inquiry on the great topic of science! The senior group are doing it all about space. And our big question is... what would happen if earth became uninhabbitabal? We watch the movie WALL~E. It was AMAZING! I loved it.
I am sooo sorry but I have no more time! I'm going out for dodgeball! I promise that next time I will tell you more! Bye!!!
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Persuasive Techniques In Commercials
My Reflection
I was learning how to use persuasive techniques.
I had to make an Advertisement about what makes your holiday better using what appeals to parents.
We first got into groups of 2,3 or 4's and then planned out how the adds would turned out to be and what it's all about. Then we made a script to use when we were going to record and it took us a while to make it. Once our script was finished we decided to make our Advertisement using an animation website called PowToon. Making the presentation was fun but when it came to recording it got really hard. It took us a really long time getting the recording perfect and at the end we got it alright.
Through out this project we also checked out some adds made from people and we learnt some Persuasive techniques.
- SLOGAN: A catchy phrase to make your add more interesting
- REPETITION: You use a word over and over again
- TESTIMONIAL: A customer that tells comments about your work.
- BANDWAGON: Making people want to be apart of it and not miss out.
- EXPERT OPINION: A experts point of view
- EMOTIONAL APPEAL: Making the audience feel emotional.
The techniques that we used were:
Slogan and Testimonial. We used Happy Children, Happy Holidays for our slogan because we thought it would fit our advertisement. With our testimonial we used one our team members as our happy customer. ( It was me! )
We could improve by using more techniques to make it grab the audience more.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Term 1 Week 10 :)
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
Hello again! I was just thinking I would catch you up on what I have been doing from week 7 to this week!
Did you have a good Easter? Because I did! We got Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday off of school. And... WE GOT TO DO AN EASTER EGG HUNT!!! On Wednesday, all the year 6 classes got to do an Easter egg hunt. Well, It wasn't really like the ones you do at home. We all got into groups of 4. It was Me, Nadini, Mandy and Shipra. Every group got a sheet of paper. We had to find fake golden Easter eggs that had a letter on the back of it. We had clues to help us find it the clues were numbered so that when you found them you had to write down the letter in the correct box on the paper. We had one more clue to do before they called us back. We did not come first, second or third, but we still had ALOT of FUN!
Well, I am sooooo sorry but this is all the time I have. So I'm going to have to leave it here. I cannot wait to tell more stuff next time. Thanks for reading, BYE!!! :)
Term 1 Week 7
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
Hi! Welcome Back! :) I thought that I would tell you more about learning in room 20! We have been learning lots from the last time we talked.
For reading we have been doing a reading challenge. Our challenge is to read 20 books through the year. But they are all based on a challenge. Some of the challenges are A Book That Has Won An Award, A Book Set In The Future, A Book Recommended By A Teacher, A Book With A One Word Title, and more. I have read 5 books already and I am working on that sixth one.
This is my ukulele. Last year there was a festival called Kiwileles. I LOVED IT! I learnt to play the ukulele and got to go to Kiwileles. I got this ukulele on my birthday the day before the festival. This year in the morning we sing a song and me and two friends get to play the ukulele to the song. I can't wait for Kiwileles this year!!!
Ok, so I am running short on time here, so I need to end. I am bummed that I can't tell more!!! But I promise I'll tell you all about something next time! But UNTIL next time, BYE BYE!!!! :)
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
The Whale Rider Chapter 8
I was learning to identify when Koro Apirana is being bias against Kahu. I chose these lines because it shows Koro showing bias against Kahu. I found it easy to find the lines, but I found it hard to know how much to highlight. Next I would like to do this with another story.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Kieran's Mediator Video
I am learning to be a peer mediator. A peer mediator is a person that solves a conflict between two people. I found it hard not to laugh. Yes. Laughing. Anyway, I found it easy to say all the lines and do the process because I am already a peer mediator. I got trained last year. Next I would like to learn the process of by heart.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Term 1 Week 5 :)
(: Learning In Room 20 :)
Hello! I thought that would talk to you about what I am learning at school in Room 20 so far. We have been learning to do so much in the first 4 weeks.
We learnt how to make music with our body, which means making musical patterns with our voice, hands, fingers and feet. I had so much fun. We had also learnt the meaning of each note, which means, that we had learnt how many beats in a note.
We are also doing an interesting artwork. We did an activaty called taking a pencil for a walk. It's when you take a piece of paper and draw a big squiggle and in between the gaps, you draw lots of patterns. We found out that if we put patterns really close, it creates a dark affect. And when we put patterns far apart it creates a light affect. After that we took a photo of ourselves and draw a grid on top of the photo. We then got given a much bigger piece of paper with a grid on it. We have to enlarge the photo onto the bigger piece of paper using only patterns in each box of the grid. I'm still working on it now, but I hope I can show to you soon!
We have also been doing something called Youthtown. It's a group of people that come to our school and play games on the field that teach us skills like, teamwork and more. Our whole class goes there every Tuesday. I really enjoy it!
Another thing that we did was learning how to make a graph. We got to make a graph. First we asked a question, then we collected the data, we then organised the data, then we displayed it on our blogs ( which is what your on right now! ) then we answered the question and turned it into a graph! Voila! Of course we had to learn how to turn it into a graph, but YAY!
I love my learning in Room 20. I can't wait till I learn more! See You Next Time! :) BYE!
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Super Powers In Room 20
Analyzing My Graph
Most of the students want the ability to shape shift or the ability to control the elements. The powers that were least wanted were Speed, Agility/Reflexes, Super Senses, Climbing Water Breathing, Teleportation, Electricity/Energy, Light/Darkness, Sound, Gravity, Magnetic Forces and FINALLY Force Fields. :)
I was learning to collect data and turn it into a graph. I had to ask a question, collect the data, organize the data, display the data then I analysed the trends by answering the question. I thought it was challenging but easy because I was always at music when everybody else learnt the next step. It was also easy because once everybody explained what to do, it was not so bad :) . My next step is to ask more questions and try and get quicker even when I missed the step. :)
Friday, 26 February 2016
First Day Of School
WAL how to use our senses to add more detail to our stories. I think I have used most of my senses. Next I will try to use every single one.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
The Whale Rider: Venn Diagram
My Reflection
I was learning to relate to characters in a book. I had to find out what the character and I have in common. First I wrote down all the ideas in my book. Then I created a venn diagram. I then posted it on my blog. The one your reading right now! I found finding the ideas a little bit challenging. Next I would like to do a venn diagram with other characters.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Monday, 1 February 2016
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